Tales of the underdog



The Great Griffon, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, is the proud fiscal sponsor of the upcoming LGBTQ+ film Regarding Us starring Alexandra Grey (How To Get Away With Murder, Empire) and Abigail Hawk (Blue Bloods). All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards the funding of this timely and inspiring film.

In addition, donors may send payment through Zelle via greatgriffonfilms@gmail.com

or mail checks to The Great Griffon, Inc. 1955 1st Ave Suite 502 New York NY 10029

Alexandra Grey stars as Veronica in Regarding Us

Abigail Hawk and Hudson Paul in a scene from Regarding Us

Andrea Rosa Guzman and David Beck in a scene from Regarding Us

Andrea Rosa Guzman, Hudson Paul, and Sebastian Ortiz in a scene from Regarding Us

Chandi Moore and Jennifer Bobbi in a scene from Regarding Us